In this post I am going to discuss how to use Collections module in Python. In simple words collections are nothing but containers that has list, tuple, dict, set etc.
From collections I am going to explain how to use defaultdict and counter subclasses.
Let’s take a basic example:
Suppose we want to get the frequency of words from a text. We do the following.
word_frequency = {} for words in sent.split(" "): if words in word_frequency: word_frequency[w]+=1 else: word_frequency[w]=1
But using Collections module our task is more simplified.
from collections import defaultdict word_frequency = defaultdict(int) for words in sent.split(" "): word_frequency[words]+=1
Using Counter from Collections
from collections import Counter word_frequency = Counter() for words in sent.split(" "): word_frequency[words]+=1
For more understanding of how this module works visit /